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You need more than a trainer who will just stand next to you with a clipboard. With Mikeyfit, you'll be educated, and you'll get the tools you need to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle that will last beyond your sessions. I\We offer one on one, couple, group training and meal planning.


Training is never done by minutes or hours, it is a process. We will work together, so you will have proper form and techniques, both which are crucial when working out. Most importantly we will work in giving you the confidence to do every excercise.


Meal planning and proper nutrition will ensure results for what ever your goals may be. You will learn how supplementation can support your body and your personal need to acquire the physique you've always dreamed of. We can provide services both online and in person for body development, bodybuilding, or toning. Contact me today.



Client's strengths and weaknesses with fitness assessments and personal goals.



Helping you to your journey to a competitive physique wether it is your first competition or advance. Assestments that can give that edge from others and consultation for proper supplementation.



Motivation from people close to you and doing the same thing with same interest. Fitnesss goals can be achive for some people faster when they are joined by love ones or someone close to them. 

           MUSCLE TONE


Transformation from just a fit body to a competitive physique. Bodybuilding programs that will get you to the next level.  Getting rid of bad gym habits and poor form that will enable you to gain more strengh and muscles.

           CORE STRENGTH


Personal goals to do what you can only imagine. To achive or break personal records of strenght and endurance.

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